♫♪  Paul Cherry - On Top

Pictured above: Paul Cherry. On the outside, this fellah is a soft, gentle spirit, tangoing with guitar and audience, accompanied with a patient back-up rythm crew, licking out tracks that both get up and go, while keeping steady and slow. Inside, Cherry’s core is that of a hardened pit, which gives him the earnestness of genuine themes propelling sensitive yet demanding lyrics in On Top. Take it all in. He’s not planning on harming nothing. Just a man about his own persona and feelings. Thus, Paul Cherry’s personality is drenching On Top, while also harkening the likes of many Burger Records, Gnar Tapes, and even Night People grimy low-life love bugs. Only thing wrong with the cover art is the shape; had Paul’s picture On Top been round, it’d be the perfect… Cherry. Hi!

In On Top, Paul Cherry is pummeling directionless (as all of us are in life) toward an understanding of all these fucked and mixed emotions; his organization is wonderfully heartwarming. And what I thought was a clever way of saying, “I’m successfully high,” On Top really means Cherry is putting a slice of peace to that smooth-garage rock game with six new tracks on baby-label Feeltrip this December 16. Since Tiny Mix Tapes is halting all publication starting Friday for music’s beloved/dreaded year-end antics, I figured 11:45 AM on this Thursday morning was a serene time to feel On Top.

Also, and most importantly, if you’s in Chi-Raq right now, plan on seeing Paul Cherry perform, details here.

• Paul Cherry: https://soundcloud.com/pauldcherewick
• Feeltrip: http://feeltrip.bigcartel.com

Chocolate Grinder

CHOCOLATE GRINDER is our audio/visual section, with an emphasis on the lesser heard and lesser known. We aim to dig deep, but we’ll post any song or video we find interesting, big or small.

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